You may want to return a product you have purchased from HappyEyes. Before starting your return process, we would like to inform you about the shipping cost of the returned product. Unless the product is defective or in exceptional circumstances, the shipping fee for the returned products is deducted from the amount to be returned to you. Let's examine the return steps together:
If you are a HappyEyes member, you must create a return/exchange request.
In which cases are returns not accepted on HappyEyes?
Cosmetics etc. Products that cannot be reused when opened in terms of hygiene and expiration date
Personally designed (e.g. nameplate) etc. products
Products that may cause problems in terms of hygiene
I returned my product. When can I get my refund?
After the product reaches the seller, approval is given for the refund. Your refund will be made to the card you paid for.
Although there are differences in the reflection time of the refund process on the card in bank systems, the refund amount is reflected within 5-7 working days for credit cards and 20-25 working days for debit cards.
My product came damaged from HappyEyes. What should I do?
First of all, let me say that we are very sorry about this. If your product arrives damaged:
If you are a member of HappyEyes, you must keep a record with the cargo officer that the product has arrived damaged. You can create a return/change request with this report and product image.
If you are not a HappyEyes member, you must keep a record with the cargo officer that the product has arrived damaged. You can send your return/exchange request by contacting the HappyEyes Support Team from any channel with this report, product image and order number.